collin and i hung our daddy and momma hats up last night for a few hours to be uncle col col and aunty la la. since having jude, we haven't spent as much quality time with nixon as we want so it was refreshing spending the afternoon with him. we played with the hose at papa and grame's house for a little bit before heading to summer fest!
going to summer fest with a 2 year old is much more enjoyable then going with out a 2 year old... fyi.
we love you nixon!
hope you had fun with your favorite aunty and uncle :)
Oh my goodness Lani you guys are seriously the BEST. Thank you SO SO SO much for taking him and letting him have so much fun. You guys are FOR SURE the best and his favorite Aunty and Uncle. And I freaking love ALL these pictures of him. THANK YOU !!!!! Love ya!