Tuesday, February 14, 2012

tuesday's teachings

happiness is contagious:

"if you always compare your children's abilities to those of great athletes, entertainers, and celebrities, they will loose their own power. 

if you urge them to acquire and achieve, they will learn to cheat and steal to meet your expectations. encourage your children's deepest joys, not their superficial desires. praise their patience, not their ambition. 

do not value the distraction and diversions that masquerade as success. they will learn to hear their own voice instead of the noise of the crowd.

if you teach them to achieve, they will never be content. if you teach them contentment, they will naturally achieve everything.  

we all want our children to be happy. somehow, some way today, show them something that makes you happy, something you truly enjoy. your own happiness is contagious. they learn the art from you."

words from: the parents tao te ching 


  1. This is one of my favorite books as well. Such amazing advise and insights. I think every parent should be required to read it.

  2. Alright, you convinced me, I have now added this book on Goodreads and I will be buying it as soon as I get my next paycheck. Hey, have you ever herd of TED.Com. You should check out these two speeches, they have changed the way I look at things especially when it comes to raising kids and relationships.

  3. I can't explain how much I love this. I can't wait to pick up this beauty. It seems to be just what I need in my life. Thank Lan!

  4. i LOVE these! and ps. thanks for your sweet words on my blog all the time, i just adore you!!
